
SchoolCoding Clubs

Coding (programming) is telling a computer, app, phone or website what you want it to do.
Some educators and experts are calling it the ‘new literacy’, a subject so important that every child needs to know the basics to excel in our rapidly changing world.

Learning to code develops problem solving and computational thinking skills.
The skills that come with computer programming help kids develop new ways of thinking and foster problem-solving techniques that promise numerous benefits in other areas of life.

Learning to code prepares kids for the world we live in.
Today, computing is involved in almost every aspect of our lives, from communications and education to social media, banking, information, security and shopping.
If learners are taught biology and mathematics in order to understand the world around them, then knowing the basics of how computers communicate
– and how to engage with them – should be a given.

Coding Is Fun!
Beyond the practical reasons for learning how to code, there’s the fact that creating a game or animation can be really fun for kids.

Extra-Mural SchoolCoding Clubs

Some schools have an existing IT programme for their students, offered during school time. (eg: Cami, Future Fun Caps, Readers are Leaders, Click a Mouse, etc.)

Our programme is offered at numerous schools as part of the extramural programme. A dedicated IT Coach provides teaching and instruction after school hours. Students typically participate in a one hour lesson every week. The school’s IT Teacher may run this programme and earn extra money for doing so, on us! 

School-based extra-mural activities are open for registration. Students enjoy 24/7/365 access to our online courses, and a weekly session after-school. Contact us if you would like to Launch a SchoolCoding Club at your school, to providing coding lessons using our innovative blended learning solution that is suitable for on-site and remote instruction, whether schools are open or closed.

In-school R-9 Coding & Robotics Curriculum

SA SchoolCoding provides training for IT Teachers in order to present our material in their school’s IT Lab. Complimentary staff training is provided on request.

Emphasis is placed on numeracy, problem-solving and critical thinking. Our lessons are designed with Bloom’s taxonomy in mind and are carefully aligned to DBE CAPS Coding and Robotics Draft Curriculum, into which we have recently had extremely constructive input.

Online Coding Courses

Online SchoolCoding Clubs

If your child’s school does not make use of our programme and you wish for your child to participate, or if you are concerned about social distancing, then our online platform was developed with you in mind.

From Grade 2-9, children may take part in our online programme. Self-guided, engaging lessons are assigned every week, supplemented with weekly Monday Meets, to enable students to interact with one another, ask questions and receive guidance on challenges. Monday Meets are optional live sessions that your child may participate via a secure, private Google Hangout.

We focus on coding games that encourage students to learn new knowledge and skills, while being challenged to think critically, solve problems, communicate and collaborate.

Teacher Training and Support

SchoolCoding present three SACE-accredited in-school Digital Technology for Teachers courses that equips existing and/or trainee teachers how to present the new Coding and Robotics Curriculum.

Our Digital Skills blended learning programme empowers school teachers to teach coding to students using engaging, fun, free software such as Agil’s Colouring Book, Arduino, GreenFoot, IDE, mDesigner, Notepad++, Scratch.

All of our courses are compatible with popular educational software such as Google Workspace for Education and Microsoft Education.

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